Sunday, June 23, 2019

So This Is Instagram...

Yes, I finally joined Instagram!  I've had it on my back burner for awhile...a long while obviously.  But, over the past several months I've been following some celebrities on the platform and just decided to join so I could directly follow them.  

I've realized over the past several days, "normal" people like me just join to follow people, too, and don't really post anything on their pages.  I've posted a few things, nothing too exciting, but at least I'm engaging in the platform.  After mindlessly scrolling through people's pages the first couple nights, I realized why millennials are SO addicted to this form of social media!  It's crazy addictive, a huge time sucker, and my neck and shoulder hurt after the second day!  So, I've tried to set some limits for myself, as I refuse to be sucked down by the up-to-the-minute intrigue of it all, along with holding the screen at eye level at all times as I'm scrolling.

So, with that said...what's your favorite Instagram feed?! :-)  You can follow me at kim.fenneman.

May your last full week of June be filled with bountiful blessings!

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