Sunday, November 3, 2019

Taking A Little Break...

Thank you so much for following my journey so far and for being interested enough to visit my blog on a regular basis! I really appreciate it!

I've decided to take a little break from posting on my blog through the end of this year.  I think it's good every now and again to take a break from certain things to regroup, recharge and reevaluate what and where you want to go in the future.  For instance, I think it's good when I see friends saying their taking a break from Facebook or Instagram or whatever social media platforms they are using on a daily basis.  Especially during the end of the year when the madness of the holidays has us all running around like crazy!  I always use this time of year to reflect on all the good and bad things from the year so that I can do better, be better in the new year.  I think it's an important time of year to sit with yourself, meditate and decide how you want to move forward with your life.  At least, that's what I'll be doing through the end of the year.

So, enjoy the holidays, be safe and have fun making new lasting memories with your family and friends!  You'll hear from me in the new year and I hope you'll come back to see what I've learned, how I've grown and what I'm up to next!  Cheers to you all!  And, many blessings for a magically wonderful holiday season!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Living a Servant Life...

Loved these expectations/goals/aspirations of living a servant life.  I'm definitely not even close to meeting or exceeding all of these, but that's what the journey of life is all about.  Every day I can try to do better, be better and hopefully become the best version of myself that I can a servant life.

Paradoxes of a Passionate Servant of Christ
Strong enough to be weak;
Successful enough to fail;
Busy enough to take time;
Wise enough to say, “I don’t know”;
Serious enough to laugh;
Rich enough to be poor;
Right enough to say, “I’m wrong”;
Compassionate enough to discipline;
Conservative enough to give freely;
Mature enough to be childlike;
Righteous enough to be a sinner;
Important enough to be last;
Courageous enough to fear God;
Planned enough to be spontaneous;
Controlled enough to be flexible;
Free enough to endure captivity;
Knowledgeable enough to ask questions;
Loving enough to be angry;
Great enough to be anonymous;
Responsible enough to play;
Assured enough to be rejected;
Stable enough to cry;
Victorious enough to lose;
Industrious enough to relax;
Leading enough to serve.
— Philip C. Brewer

Many blessings to you this last week of October!  Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

On The Verge...

The leaves on my red oak tree in front of my house hasn't started to turn colors yet.  It's been a warm fall so far, but hopefully in a few more weeks the leaves will start to turn a beautiful shade of red.  And then, it will shed all of it's leaves and be bare through the winter.  I recently saw a couple posts on Instagram about how trees shed their leaves in the fall and come back more beautiful every spring.  Basically, we all need to shed something or let go of something so that we can grow and come back even stronger, even more beautiful than we were before!

It's the cycle of life.  Learning how to let go of things that are holding us back or hurting us, moving on from the past, seeking a new direction or a new dream, and some times it's even a death that propels us forward with new motivation or inspiration.  The ups and downs of life that we all face, that we all grapple with in different ways, that knock us down, that bring us to our knees, that rebuild us, that renew us, that we conquer, and that make us the person we are in this moment.  Life is a journey.  And, it's not always pretty.  Most of the time it feels like one prolonged struggle of some kind with flashes of goodness mixed in for good measure.  So, how do we get through it all?

For me, through God's grace and mercy given each and every day.  I've looked to, leaned on and prayed to God more in the last few years than I ever have before in my life.  It's through his ever-present and steady presence in my life that I know I can get through anything and be OK.  Truly.  Life is hard.  Life is unfair.  Life can break us.  But, God can lift us up.  God can sustain us.  God can and will provide.  Yes.  Yes, I believe this is true for me and for you!

So, with growing faith and hope I trust in the Lord with a renewed spirit.  Throughout the past several years I've felt like the dirt in my flowerbeds covered by mulch just sitting and waiting for renewal.  Waiting for a rebirth of sorts...or maybe it's been the dreaded mid-life crisis that's been plaguing me.  Whatever it's been, it's been hard and frustrating, disappointing and sad, and it's also been exactly what I needed.  Sadly, I know all the pain that I've gone through is God working in and through me.  It's God shaping and molding me into the person that He created me to be and I finally feel like I'm brushing away the mulch, shedding my leaves and coming back into the Light...His everlasting Light.

I'm not quite all the way there yet, but I feel the Light, the Hope, and the promise of abundant blessings.  I'm on the verge of whatever the future holds for me.  And, I'm grateful for being in this moment...for not letting all the negative feelings defeat me, for learning how to just sit with all those feelings and feel them, for not giving up, for getting up every morning and facing the day, for building a closer relationship with God, and for surviving.  I don't know what the future holds, but I know I'm a better person, a stronger person than I was before through God's grace and mercy.  All glory and honor go to God!

So, if there's something you need to shed or you're going through one of life's trials right now, just know you can get through it.  You can survive.  You can do it!  And, just know it's part of your journey towards a better you...a better tomorrow...a better life!  Trust.  Have hope.  Pray!  Wishing you blessings of self-renewal, growth, and peace!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cold & Cold

It finally felt like fall here in Texas when I cold front swept through late in the week.  It was actually cold!  It was in the 40's in the mornings and only in the 60's for a couple days!  It felt great!  

The colder weather made me crave comfort food, though.  Something warm, satisfying or just simply a nice warm bowl of soup!  But, it's going to warm back up into the 80's this week so I guess we'll have to wait a little longer for some sustained cooler weather.  

And, I know last week there were snow storms up north and through Colorado while there were fire storms out in California.  Hoping everyone stays safe wherever you are!

And, I'm also just now recovering from my first (and hopefully only) cold so far this season.  It started off as a sore throat two Saturday's ago.  Luckily the sore throat only lasted a day because I really despise sore throats.  Then, it seems like I got another symptom the following few days...a cough, a runny nose, and sneezing.  Honestly, the cold itself wasn't horribly bad, thankfully.  But, I also pulled a muscle or something in my chest and side at the same time.  So, all the coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose killed whatever I pulled every time!  Pain!  Pain for two weeks now!  It's been a complete drag, but finally today I feel like the pain is actually dissipating.  Finally!!  It's definitely been a slow process.  Along with the fact that I also strained my knee last week, my body has obviously been screaming out that I need a little break.  So, I took that last two days off from working out.  I'm letting my body rest and recover, but I'll be back at it tomorrow.  

If we're worn down or pushing too hard our bodies will let us know.  And if we don't listen, it will scream out in different ways until we do listen.  So, make sure you're taking care of yourself this cold/flu season and listening to all the cues your body is giving you so you don't get too sick.  Self-care!

So, one cold I actually do like and the other cold I don't.  I'm hoping the rest of this month is much healthier than the beginning of the month.  May blessings keep you healthy in the week ahead!  And, hopefully you are enjoying a 3-day weekend!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fall, Are You There?

It's officially fall, right?  Man, it seriously doesn't feel like it here in Texas.  It feels like we're still smack dab in the middle of summer!  It's still in the 90's here with lots of heat and humidity.  Boo.  I'm SO ready for some fall weather!  Sweater weather!  Bring me some cooler temps, please!  

Football season is in high gear.  The hockey season is about to start, as well as, baseball playoffs.  So, where's the fall weather?  Yes, there's a pretty big snow storm up in the Rockies right now, but that's about it.  We also need some rain down here!  Rain and cooler weather, that's all I'm asking!

A friend of mine who is living in New Zealand posted a picture this week of her backyard that was lightly covered in snow.  Ahh, snow!  Beautiful!  SO jealous!

So, wherever you live around the world, I hope it feels like the season you're in.  I'm ready for the weather here in Texas to catch up to the fall season, pronto!

May blessings find you each day of this new week and new month!  Cheers!!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Walking in Faith...

What faith requires of us....
“Do all the good you can.
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
 (John Wesley)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sharing My Story...

This past Thursday I had the privilege of speaking to a group of adoptive and foster moms.  I shared my adoption journey with them, made them laugh a few times (which is always a good sign when you're standing in front of a group of people speaking), and sold a few books.  My mom also came with me and chimed in a few times as I knew she would.  I'm glad she was able to come because other moms always enjoy talking with her and asking her questions, as well.  She's always got a story to tell that's for sure!

But more importantly, my mom and I got to hear their stories!  Hearing about their joys and triumphs with their adopted kids, as well as, the struggles and bumpy roads.  I've said it once and I'll say it again, every adoption story is different.  Every environment and situation an adoptive child comes into is different and every child is different, so there's no one cookie cutter answer to how to handle adoption.  It can be messy and heartbreaking and amazing and incredibly rewarding all at the same time!  But, that's life in general for any of us!

Even before we heard some of the individual stories from some of the moms there, my mom told them all that they were truly special people.  It takes someone with a huge, generous, open and loving heart to adopt or foster a child.  Many kids come with a lot of baggage, such as an abusive family, drugs, alcohol, etc.  So, it takes a couple with not only love to give a child, but patience, understanding, and compassion.  One foster mom there brought a 7 week old little boy that had been born premature.  He was so cute and sweet and quiet the entire time.  My mom and I had such gratitude, love and admiration for all the women there that night.  We left uplifted by their adoption journeys and that's how it should be!

So, as another week approaches, may you find inspiration from someone you meet this week!  Wishing you blessings of patience and compassion in the week ahead!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

It's Kick-off Time!

The 100th year of the NFL season officially kicked off on Thursday, but today is football Sunday!  Football is back, ya'll!  It's that time of the year again for tailgating, big plays, bad calls and must wins!  Enjoy the start of the football season and if you're not a fan of football, then enjoy the fall season!  Now, I've got to get back to the football....

May blessings fuel your week ahead to serve others, be a blessing to a stranger and/or stand up for a cause!  

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Happy Labor Day weekend, ya'll!  I hope you are enjoying some downtime with your friends and family this weekend before the rush of fall activities and holidays besiege us all.  It's the start of football season, too, with college kicking off in full force yesterday.  And, the NFL will start back up this coming Thursday, but really on Sunday.  It's fall ya'll!!

Enjoy!  May your cup runneth over with blessings this first full week of September!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Inspiration Stirring?

When I think about artists, true artists, whether that be painting, sculpting, molding, songwriters, singers, musicians, designers...anyone who creates something that speaks to us or captures a feeling or captures a moment; I envision them seeing the whole picture first.  I always thought if you're a "real" artist you could see/hear/feel the final product before you even began.  I think a lot of artists do, they can see it in their minds before they start; but I know some artists create as they songwriters.  It's whatever process works for the individual, and a majority of the time it's created from some sort of inspiration the artist receives.

Inspiration could come from anywhere or anyone.  Inspiration is different and unique to everyone...just as we are as individuals. My inspiration comes and goes like most of us I assume.  Of course, a pretty flower arrangement or even a single rose could give me a moment of inspiration, but to really create something I need sustained inspiration.  I need something to keep the spark alive, to keep the motor of excitement or intrigue moving, and I need it to sustain itself over a period of time.  Most of my inspiration is short-lived.  How about you?

I've never considered myself an artist mainly because I could never envision the whole thing.  I'm a half visionary...ha!  I can see and sometimes feel what I want to do...with a canvas, a room, a home...but, there's always a piece missing or an uncertainty about the whole thing.  When I was younger I would consider myself crafty.  I loved doing crafts although we didn't really call it that back then.  It was just fun making new things and doing new projects all the time.  Yes, I weaved pot holders, made shrinky dinks (remember those), of course made paper dolls and had an Easy Bake oven, loved using paint pens, made my own jewelry, and loved using paint pens to decorate t-shirts and sweatshirts.  Oh the glory!

But, my writing inspiration has waned since writing my first book.  I've tossed around ideas for the next book or even if I wanted there to be a next book.  I've kind of just let it float along the surface for the past several years until I found some real inspiration to try again.  Well, maybe all that time has finally bubbled up to this moment, new inspiration has finally hit me!  I won't go into details now, as it might only be momentary as previously mentioned, but at least there's a little spark there.  So yes, I've started writing again!  I don't know where it will lead or if anything will actually result from it, but it's always nice to find some inspiration again.  I think we all need that in our lives, something to push us forward, to look forward to, or to get us excited about what we can do.  So, I'm going to put my head down and just write for the next several weeks and we'll see what happens.  Hopefully the words will flow freely, eloquently and creatively!  Wish me luck!

May inspiration find you this week and bless you even if it's only for a moment!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Back To School

Summer vacation is coming to a close for all the kiddos and it's time to go back to school!  Yes, new pens, pencils, back packs, lunch boxes, hair-cuts, clothes, and hopefully lots of excitement...along with a few nerves to start.  I remember the feeling well.  Those "first day of school" jitters of excitement, but more nervousness every new school year.  The careful consideration of your outfit for the first day of school, seeing who were in each of your classes, meeting new teachers, and getting into the groove of extra-curricular activities. 

For me, that was dance and then drill team in high school.  And drill team started with summer camp, a week-long intensive week of learning numerous new routines, performing those routines for ribbons at the end of the week, long days of practicing and perfecting, and finally performing.  Those were also the days of strict discipline, smiling at all times until your cheeks actually started to go a little numb, bonding with your teammates through stress and sometimes tears, eating a lot of junk food late at night and then staying up until the wee hours of the morning to practice and then practice some more.  How in the world did I survive that?!  It's helps being 16.  Now, the long nights, junk food and wear and tear on my body would definitely do me in...after one day!

Then, we'd kick of the new school year with a tea hosted at someone's house that included our moms which was always special since they were fully entrenched in everything we did...from wearing their school spirit/drill team attire to all games and performances, to helping with fundraising, sewing costumes, pinning hair/hats/costumes, attending booster meetings, and so much more!  It was definitely a team effort.

So, as the new school year approaches (and may have started already for some), I hope all the kiddos out there have a fabulous new school year!  I hope they learn from tireless teachers, have fun in their extra-curricular activities, make new friends, and reach out to any student that is sitting alone or seems to be alone.  Make it a great new school year!  May blessings of courage, anticipation, friendliness, compassion and grace be with all students starting a new school year!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Thoughts and Prayers, Again

It's a cruel world out there.  Some days, like yesterday it feels all too familiar, sad and overwhelming.  Another mass shooting...and then another.  What is going on in this world?  Is there that much hate swirling around us that we can't even go buy groceries or go to a restaurant or to the movies or to a concert or to school or to church?!  When will it stop?  When will lawmakers have the courage and morality to choose human life over money?  When will our leaders take action instead of offer excuses and inaction?  

Yes, my heart is heavy, my frustration is high, but I have to have hope.  We have to have hope...that our voices will be heard, leaders will stand up for human lives and that action will be taken to prevent these tragedies from happening over and over and over again.  It's too much.  It's too often.  It's too real.  And, it's becoming too normal.

And yes, I'll be praying and praying and praying some more.  Stand up for change!  Stand up and let your voices be heard at the ballot, vote, vote, vote!!  Lets make a difference together!

May God's peace and love comfort the families of all the victims that were lost so tragically this weekend, and may be provide strength and courage to all those that were injured during their recovery (mentally and physically).  Bless all the first responders, hospital staffs, friends and family that have been affected in El Paso and Dayton.  May we all find more compassion, understanding and respect for our fellow human beings.  We are all human...not left, right, up, down, red, white, black, blue...we're not the labels that society places on us.  We are all human beings with blood running through our veins and each life is valuable.  Peace be with you and may God bless us all through the first full week of August.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


As I tried to get in a couple more hours of sleep this morning, I started thinking of God's promises.  "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)  This scripture always sticks out, but there are obviously SO many of God's promises throughout the bible.  So, if you need a reminder of those promises it's a good day to open the good book.

After getting up and going for the day, this is what was on my Instagram feed "Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37)  Thanks for the affirmation!  Then I scrolled down a little more to read this "Lord, please give me strength in my weakness, give me faith in my fear, and give me power in my powerlessness. I am trusting you."  AMEN!

And then this, "Be thankful for the bad things in life.  They open your eyes to see the good things you weren't paying attention to before." Yes, indeed!  All messages I needed to see this morning and there they were!  HE is with us.  HE never leaves us.  HE is good.  HE will provide.

May the messages you need to hear this week come to you.  They could come in any form so keep your eyes, ears and heart open.  Wishing you many blessings as another month comes to an end and another begins!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Do You Collect?

When I was younger, I remember going into my Grandma's sewing room where she had souvenir plates from states that she and my Grandpa had visited displayed on shelves on the wall.  And any gift you gave her, she would put a piece of tape with your name on it on the bottom or back of whatever it was so that you could get it back after she passed.  As for those souvenir plates, on one visit to her house as an adult she asked which one of those plates I wanted.  All of the grandchildren could pick a plate and she would put our name on the back.  I chose the one from Maine since it always seemed so far away I never knew if I'd make it up that way.  I still haven't made it to Maine, but I have that plate displayed in Grandma's china cabinet that is now in my dining room.

As I got older and started traveling I decided to start collecting something, but thought plates were too big.  So, I chose shot glasses.  They were small and easy to pack.  I figured I would take a page from my Grandma and collect shot glasses from everywhere I visited.  I don't know how many I have, but I have a lot...especially when I was traveling every other week when I managed events for IBM.  I have some from my international trips, but I think I forgot to get a few from some of the countries I visited.  I guess I'll have to go back!

I haven't picked up a shot glass in what seems like a decade now.  My new collection obsession has been recipes.  I'm completely obsessed and don't know how to stop!  Seriously!  I see SO many good recipes online every day that I want to make that I've printed out WAY TOO many to count.  Other than to say, I have close to 20 binders filled with recipes I've printed and put into sheet protectors, so you do the math!  Gulp.  I keep thinking that I won't even live long enough to make all the recipes I've printed more less from the 10+ cookbooks I have, too.  Sheesh!

What do you collect?  Are you obsessed with it?  Baseball cards, dolls, stamps, coins...whatever it is does it make you happy or crazy?  I think I'm on the verge of crazy so I'm going to have to figure out how to stop at some point.  I hope!

Blessings to you this final full week of July!  Stay cool out there! 

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Reset? Re-do?

We're halfway through the year and there's only about 25 weeks left.  Are you feeling like, "Where has the time gone?" or time is dragging and it's only going to feel longer through the 'dog days of summer'?  I think I'm in the former wondering how we're already into the middle of July already!  How did that happen?  It just seems like yesterday everyone was making their new year's resolutions...again.  The same ones from the year know the ones.

So, at the mid-point of the year do you reassess, reanalyze your yearly goals?  Are you crushing your goals or did they fade away before the calendar flipped to February?  Is it time to reset?  Are you ready for a re-do?  A mulligan?  I am!  I'm ready to start again...reset my goals, my mindset and just try to be more consistent.  I'm good for awhile, but then I hit a speed bump and get off track.  But, I always dust myself off and keep going.  Try again.  Get back up...again and again and again.  That's just life.

So, good luck in reaching all your goals as you continue or reset them.  May you overcome the bumpy roads and keep on going until you reach your end goal...and then set some new goals.  Inspire.  Motivate.  Persevere.

May blessings find you this week and may you be a blessing to someone who needs it! 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Back-to-Back Champs!!

I believe that we will win!  I believe that we will win!  We WON!!!

Congratulations to the United States Women's National Soccer Team for repeating as World Cup Champions!!! ⚽🏆

Fantastic tournament.  A lot of heart, determination and grit.  Teamwork makes the dream work.  Believe.  World domination.  Confidence.  World champs!!!

These ladies PROVED they deserve equal pay!  Make it right.  Make it happen!

SO, SO proud of these athletes, these warriors, these women!!

May you be inspired by the performance of our World Cup Champions to rise to the occasion and do great things in your own life!  Blessings to you in reaching for your goals through hard work, determination and commitment.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

World Cup Excitement!

Just like the Olympics, every 4 years it's time to cheer on your country!  The Women's World Cup is down to the semi-finals and it's definitely getting good now.  The USA vs. France match was great!  Yes, a little nerve-wracking in the 2nd half, but our ladies pulled out a gutsy win.  Now onto England on Tuesday.  

This is really the only time I ever watch soccer...during the World Cup.  I'm not a big follower even though my local professional soccer team's stadium is right down the road from me.  And now, along with the National Soccer Hall of Fame that just opened last year it's definitely an attraction...but, I still haven't been.  The only time I've been in the stadium is when I ran a 5K that went through the concourse part of the stadium.  One of these days I'll make it to an actual game, and actually I think there was a women's USA friendly match there a few years ago.  So, if that ever happens again I think I'll definitely go.

But, World Cup action is more exciting, more intriguing to me.  Plus, several years ago I was traveling in Italy during the World Cup that was held in Germany.  The pubs were packed and there was cheering all throughout the streets on game days.  It was exciting and fun to be in that kind of environment where soccer is a bit more popular than it is here in the States.  So, I'd love to travel through another European country during a World Cup in the future.  The atmosphere is just so fun!

So, come on ladies!  I know you can pull off another win on Tuesday and go to the finals!  You've got this!  Let's do it!

Blessings to you on this first week of July!  And, Happy 4th of July (for those in the States)!!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

So This Is Instagram...

Yes, I finally joined Instagram!  I've had it on my back burner for awhile...a long while obviously.  But, over the past several months I've been following some celebrities on the platform and just decided to join so I could directly follow them.  

I've realized over the past several days, "normal" people like me just join to follow people, too, and don't really post anything on their pages.  I've posted a few things, nothing too exciting, but at least I'm engaging in the platform.  After mindlessly scrolling through people's pages the first couple nights, I realized why millennials are SO addicted to this form of social media!  It's crazy addictive, a huge time sucker, and my neck and shoulder hurt after the second day!  So, I've tried to set some limits for myself, as I refuse to be sucked down by the up-to-the-minute intrigue of it all, along with holding the screen at eye level at all times as I'm scrolling.

So, with that said...what's your favorite Instagram feed?! :-)  You can follow me at kim.fenneman.

May your last full week of June be filled with bountiful blessings!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

D-Day Remembrance

This past week many around the world paused to remember D-Day and the sacrifices of so many soldiers from World War II.  For all those that lost their lives, we owe you more than our thanks and remembrance.  For those that survived, but carried a heavy burden of guilt and/or PTSD for all these years we should stop and recognize you in our communities with a handshake, a sincere thank you for your service, and a promise to uphold the freedoms you so bravely fought for back then.  We should honor you not only on holidays or special anniversaries, but every day!

I'm glad those that were able to go to France to attend the 75th D-Day Anniversary were recognized and respected with the dignity and honor they all deserve.  I hope they found some closure, some solace in walking the former grounds of battle.  For those that weren't able to go back, I hope they felt from their families, friends and communities the profound gratitude we all share as Americans for their service.  And, for those 90+ year old veterans that skydived in honor of the 75th anniversary, bravo!  Cheers to you and to all the World War II veterans around the world!!

Don't let just one day be a day of remembrance for our veterans, especially those from World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.  These veterans didn't get the "fanfare" that veterans from the 90's on have received.  They didn't receive the care, compassion or post-war services that so many of them earned, needed and deserved.  Lets honor, respect and care for these veterans for ALL their sacrifices...for defending our freedoms, protecting our homeland, and serving with pride.  Find a way to serve in your communities in honor of our veterans and all fallen veterans.  They served for us, now it's our turn!

May blessings flow upon all veterans around the world that have stood up and fought the good fight, who have pledged their allegiance to their country and defended it with honor and bravery.  May they know and feel the gratitude of a nation and in their communities.  God bless our veterans!!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Another Hot One....

Yesterday we had our annual Holt International DFW picnic and was hoping that holding it in early June (vs. the end of June) would be less hot.  Who were we kidding?!  It's Texas and it's definitely summertime!  It was, of course, the hottest day of the year so far this year!  Let the sweating commence!

Other than the heat, it was another great picnic that brought out returning families, a few prospective parents looking to adopt, and many first time attendees.  That's the great thing about this area, we always get a good mix of families.  So, just as in previous years I try to meet and greet everyone and my parents usually end of talking to everyone, as well.  My sister takes candid pics and a group photo of everyone, and all my nieces and nephews came, too.  It's always a family affair with us and I'm always so grateful they all come...not just to support me, but all the families that attend!

From the young family that just received their daughter this time last year (now 2 years old) who was so stinkin' cute, to the returning families that we get to check-in with every year to see how their families are doing, to the families/couples that attend who are just looking into adopting and want to know about the process, to the adult adoptees who are looking to reconnect with their cultures/birth families/local's always a fun, productive, informative, enlightening, inspiring, and hot time of fellowship and connection!  I'm thankful that I and my family get to participate and experience it every year (at least for the past 5 years now).

May blessings fill your days this first full week of June!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

For The Love Of Dance....

Last night I attended my oldest niece's dance recital.  This is the second year she's taken ballet and tap, and the second recital...what a difference a year makes.  She's only 6 by-the-way.  She did a great job and even had to be front and center as a leader (of sorts) and did really well!  I, along with the rest of the family, was very proud of her!

Before it started, I told my mom and sister that I'd rather be backstage getting ready to perform.  That's what I'm used to...what I'm more comfortable doing instead of sitting in the audience watching.  It's what I did from as far back as I can  I obviously don't remember any of my earliest dances, just memories from old pictures.  And then after we moved to Texas and I started taking dance lessons down was just different.  I even started initial training for the Garland Ballet.  I remember my first lesson in toe shoes and one of the senior instructors telling me I had strong ankles which was good.  Just a side note, in the last year or so I've read that Aquarians are supposed to have strong ankles.  It's part of their physical sign and personality.

Once I started training, I felt burnt out on dance and I was ready to take a break.  So, I did.  I didn't dance during my middle school days and started again in high school.  I joined the Junior Varsity Drill Team at school, which you didn't have to try out was an elective.  But, I did have to try out for Varsity Drill Team.  So, I started training and dancing again!  Drill team was more than dance, though.  You had to know how to do high kicks, the splits...moreso, jump splits, and move in synchronicity with 60+ other girls.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  It was more than just the dance, it was the discipline of being on a team with all the rules and traditions, along with summer camps, competitions, fundraisers, and the social aspects of it all.  It was more than I could've imagined, but I honestly couldn't have imagined doing anything else in high school!

Yes, I miss just the simple happiness of dancing...doing it for the pure enjoyment of it.  That's what I hope my niece is experiencing now because it changes fast...into competition, into creating perfect dancers, and it starts younger and younger these days.  My sister just wanted her to have fun and smile last night.  She had fun, but didn't quite smile which is totally fine.  She did an awesome job and I could tell she was proud of herself afterwards, too!  That's all that matters!

Whatever brings you pure joy...and you may have to think back to your childhood...hold onto it, recapture it, revive it, and find a way to incorporate it into your life.  You won't regret it.  Sometimes we just need a good reminder.

May memories of pure joy bless your week ahead and may you renew your intentions to find that joy again!!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!  I hope you've been pampered, showered with special treats and felt all the love you deserve today and every day!  A special shout out to my mom and her generously nurturing and loving spirit that is the glue that keeps our family together!  Her boisterous laughter, talkative nature and supportive cheerleader has always provided an encouraging environment to grow up in and learn from for my siblings and I, and now for all her grandchildren, too.  She's the heartbeat of our family and I'm so glad I get to call her my mom!

Wishing blessings of love, joy, confidence and peace of mind to all mothers around the world!  May the coming week bring special blessings your way.  Cheers!!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Don't Forget...

If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area or even in south Texas, you are welcome to the annual Holt International Picnic on Saturday, June 1st from 12-3 pm!  It will be at Parr Park in Grapevine, TX.  Please make sure you register for the event here:  

We'd love to see you and your family there!  It's for local (TX) adoptees (young to adults), as well as, prospective parents.  If you have questions about adoption or are waiting for your child to finally come home, we'd love to share our stories with you to help you along the way.  It's a lot of fun and there is a splash pad there so the little ones can stay cool.  Bring a picnic lunch for your family and enjoy meeting other families, as well.

I hope to see you at our annual picnic for some food, fun and fellowship!  Wishing you blessings that open your eyes and hearts this first full week of May!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Really? Aren't You A Professional?

Late last week, I contacted an old co-worker about connecting me with someone in his company about a current job opening.  I had worked with this person a few years ago and really only worked with or saw him about once a year at a major tradeshow.  At the event he would always flirt with me and ask me to hang out with some of the guys after hours.  I always declined.  Something never quite sat right with me, although he seemed like a nice guy.

Well, it became crystal clear in the first words of his response back to me..."Hey, white rice!"  Yes, he said that...wrote that.  Really?!!!  Are you kidding me?  Aren't you supposed to be a professional?  What makes you think that's OK or even remotely OK to say to an ex-colleague?  Perhaps to a close friend who knows you better, but there's nothing in our previous interactions that would make you think that was OK to say to me.  So, yes I was offended.  Am I surprised?  No, it's part of the stereotype that we all grow up with and face throughout our lives.  It's just sad when it does...especially as professional adults.

Do I linger on it or let it bother me?  No, because I choose to be a bigger, more understanding, more compassionate person who tries to focus on the things and people that are most important.  Don't let the little things or little people weigh you down!  Stay positive, true to yourself and always respectful of other people who are different than you...which is every one!!!

Blessings to you these final few days of April.  May all the April rain bring a bounty of beautiful May flowers!  Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday

Image result for palm sunday images

Happy Palm Sunday! As we enter the holy week leading up to Easter Sunday (for Christians around the world), I wish you peace, resurrection and renewal for a blessed life serving God through your thoughts, words and actions. Wishing you God's abundant blessings this holy week!!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Renewed Hope

It's the season of Lent.  He has risen!  It's Eastertime!  It's springtime!  The season of regrowth, renewal, resurrection and rebirth.  Are you feeling the season?  Is it your favorite time of year?  Are you just now thawing out from the frozen winter months?  Are your flowers blooming, trees budding, and lawns turning greener?  Yes, it's that time of year!

This past week I got a renewed sense of hope...of anticipation...of excitement for the future!  It's been awhile since I've had this spark lit and also persist.  Sometimes something can light us up for a moment and then it fades or burns out quickly.  Like, going into a new year hoping for change or achieving your resolutions only to find them fade away in week two!  Yes, we've all been there.  But, this time the spark is urging me on, still burning in my belly, still giving me HOPE!  Yes, I'm hoping it lasts and yes I'm hoping it propels me forward into God's next steps in my journey.  So, I'm holding onto it (not suffocating it), appreciating it, and believing in move ahead with God's grace and mercy.

Yes, it's the time of year again...when He shows us the beauty of renewal.  In the environment all around us and in the remembrance of His save us from our sins.  God is good.

May blessings spark a renewal in you this week during this season of Lent!!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

April Fool's....

Are you the family/friend prankster of the group?  Do you love playing a good joke on others?  Is April Fool's Day your Super Bowl of the year?  If so, are you ready for tomorrow?  Do you have your prank all planned out?  Good luck pulling it off!

I'm not a prankster nor do I necessarily like to be the target of any joke.  I'm fine with fun-loving, really funny jokes, but anything that crosses the line to mean or cruel is no OK with me.  I'm sure we'll hear about and see many jokes that have been "successful" on all social media platforms tomorrow.  So, buckle up!

Where did April Fool's Day come from?  I'm sure some news station will have the full story about it's origins tomorrow.  It's one of those odd days that pop up once a year that has lasted the test of far.  Go figure.  I wonder what new and odd day will appear in the coming years and if it'll last as long as this one.

So, whatever happens tomorrow...hopefully nothing crazy to you or to me...enjoy the laughs and be glad when the day passes!  I know I will!  Cheers to a new month, a new quarter...and blessings for the first week of April!!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March Madness

It's that time again...March Madness is here!  Gotta love it and gotta love Dickie V (Dick Vitale) this time of year!  It's competitive, fun, unexpected and shocking...sometimes all at once!  And, it's fun that anyone and everyone can get involved.  Yes, filling out brackets for the NCAA men's basketball tournament has become tradition (for the States).  I usually fill out 4 brackets each year, but this year I did 5.  Not that it helped me any, but it's still fun to try.  

My dad loves this time of year, too.  So, I know he'll be watching today...mainly because Iowa will be playing in about an hour.  We both picked the wrong Iowa team to win the first round.  Go figure.  But, I told my dad I feel like the seedings didn't really mean much, besides 1-2 this year.  It seems like this year they just didn't have as much value as they have in the past and that anyone can really beat anyone this time around....which is the beauty of the tournament being one and done.  So, I'm a little surprised that starting off the day that there are actually 2 perfect brackets still out there.  

Either way, you are fully engrossed and love watching the tournament or you could care less and can get a lot checked off your to-do list this weekend and next.  Enjoy cheering on teams you didn't know even existed, watching the exhilarating buzzer beaters, and watching the big guns get knocked off by the little guys!  That's what March Madness is all about!

Blessings to you this last full week of March!! 1st quarter of 2019 is almost in the books.