Sunday, June 10, 2018

Shock and Sadness

Many were shocked this past week when they heard the news that Kate Spade had taken her own life.  How?  Why?  How sad and tragic.  How could someone so seemingly happy and successful do such a thing?  We thought the same things when Robin Williams took his own life a few years ago.  For me, I was more shocked and saddened by Williams death because over the years (through TV and movies) he touched me by his performances.  He made me laugh (a lot), but also touched my heart strings in movies like Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting.  So, I had more of an emotional connection to him.

I never had a Kate Spade bag, but I always checked them out while shopping.  Her clothes and accessories were always so cute, bright and cheerful.  You thought it reflected her personality, as well.  But, obviously she was in more pain than anyone could know.

And then, the shocking news that Anthony Bourdain took his own life, too.  How?  Why?  How sad and tragic.  He seemed to have the dream travel around the world trying local cuisine and sharing those cultures, those stories, and those people with all of us.  He was poetic in his words, truthful, hard core and a little rough around the edges, but that's what was endearing about him.  What pain was tormenting him to take such action?

We will never know the true despair each was suffering, but what we do know is that they felt they had no other choice, no way out, the dark was greater than the light in their lives...and yes, that is tragic.  We all go into deep, dark places in our lives at least once because that's life, that's the journey.  There's heartbreak, pain, suffering and feeling like a complete failure at some point in time in our lives because we're human.  It's part of the journey.  But, not even fame, fortune, success, the dream job can cure all or make a person feel whole and worthy.  We all have to find that within ourselves...and if we need help to do that then we must be brave enough to reach out and ask for help. 

If you or anyone you know needs a helping hand, an understanding ear, or more professional help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.  They are there to help you or any person in need 24/7.  Please reach out and ask for help.

May blessings of light and love shine down on you if you're feeling down or in the dark.  May you know you are not alone and there is someone who can help.  Hold onto hope, always!

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