After ANOTHER mass shooting (here in the States) this past week, it's the high school students that are rising up! They are angry, disappointed, frustrated and afraid, and they are letting their voices be heard! Is anyone listening?! Our once outraged reactions have dwindled to less outrage and more "this is the norm" which sadly shouldn't be the case. It's where we are in American culture because we have leaders that have no courage. No courage, no moral compass, no real responsibility for the constituents they serve and are more concerned about money. Money for themselves to secure their level of power. Money over people. That's what America has come to....horribly sad and tragic.
We keep hoping things will change, but if the mass murder of purely innocent children at Sandy Hook wouldn't change the heartless in Congress then I don't know what will. We need change and maybe these kids that are standing up and telling us enough is enough will cause change. I can only hope and pray it does!
These high school students that are rising up through anger, sadness, fear and frustration will be those voting in the upcoming elections. I have a feeling they will let their voices be heard by exercising their right to vote. To vote for those that ARE BRAVE enough to stand up to lobbyists and vote for what is right and just for all! To vote for those that HAVE COURAGE to protect our children from violence in schools and in their homes. To vote for those that are representing ALL Americans no matter their party affiliation, sex, religion, gender, etc. We NEED leaders that will stand and rise up for ALL OF US!!
Speak your truth, kids! Show our leaders what true courage looks like! Rise up!!!
Blessings to all those that stand up for others no matter their labels, no matter the cost and no matter the outcome! Lets all rise up and be better...for each other!
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