Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hello Spring!

Spring storms have been rolling in over the past week and again today, so I guess winter is winding down and spring is rolling in like a lion.  Or at least it feels like it was a warm and muggy spring-like day today.  It definitely doesn't feel like the last day of February.

Along with the weather, this year is rolling right along, too!  Can you believe it's March already and kids are about to get off for Spring Break?  Weren't we just ringing in a new year?  I definitely don't know where time goes sometimes.  One minute we've got new resolutions in hand and the next minute we've got Mai Tai's in hand at the beach!  I know many parents feel the same way looking at old pictures of their kids and how fast it seems that they've grown.  Time just moves on without us it seems sometimes, too.  

Well, I think I'm going to treat tomorrow as a re-start to the year...another January 1st!  Another chance to start fresh and get a handle on the new year.  It's still a "new year" since we're technically still in the first least that's how I'm going to view it.  Lets get serious about our goals (if you haven't already)!  Lets stay committed (if you haven't already)!  And, lets conquer our goals and reach for new ones!!

Wishing you renewed blessings of reaching your goals this year!  Good-bye February, hello spring!!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A New Day...

Yesterday was the tale of two days...or at least it seemed like it.  It has been raining all week, day after day after day, gloomy skies after gloomy skies until...the skies finally parted and the sun came beaming brightly down!  The morning seemed like it would be another endless day of grey skies and rain, but after the final storm moved out there was calm.  

My mom and I had facial appointments (that were long overdue) right as the storms were moving out.  It was perfect timing!  It was still cloudy with grey skies as we entered the spa, but after our relaxing facials the sun was started to shine through the parting clouds!  Hooray!  

A few blocks away we ordered our favorite chai tea lattes and enjoyed complete bliss.  What a perfect day!  And, we didn't even put any makeup on after we left the spa!  However, I did make my mom put on some sunscreen.  After our delicious lattes we walked around a downtown square with cute mom and pop shops and enjoyed the clearing skies and perfect temps.  It was simply like we were in another day.  We shopped around, not actually buying anything, and found ourselves back at the coffee shop...hungry.  So, we ate breakfast for dinner and yes, we had another latte!  We couldn't help ourselves!

We literally only purchased food yesterday with chocolate and honey as part of one of the face masks they used on us both and then thoroughly enjoying our chai tea lattes!  It was a good day!  And, much needed after a gloomy week had left our spirits drab and grey.  Oh what a little sunshine can do for your spirits!

So, here's wishing you a week full of sunshine and happy treats!  Blessings to you these last few days of February and the end of the winter Olympics!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Rain, Rain and More Rain

It's pretty much been raining almost non-stop for the past 48 hours and there's no end in sight...well, none until Saturday afternoon.  We've already received around 5" of rain so far and with 3 more days of rain I'm sure we'll be over 10".  We're definitely out of our drought!

Do you love the rain?  What's your rainy day outfit?  Ah yes, you know you have one.  And, what's your rainy day meal?  If it's raining when I wake up I just want to stay in bed for another hour...or two!  And some days when I just want to stay in and veg out it's a great day for a rainy day.  Obviously, if it's a cold rainy day I probably would crave some kind of soup or a beef stew.  On a spring rainy day, I probably wouldn't have as strong a craving for say something like a comfort food, but it might make me want to bake something.

So, as the rain continues to fall and fall and fall it's actually the perfect time since many people are enjoying watching all the Olympic competitions during this soggy weather.  Silver lining.  There's always a silver lining if you look for it!

Blessings for weather that will nourish your soul the rest of the week wherever you are...rainy or sunny, hot or cold, humid or dry.  Soak it in!!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rising Up...

After ANOTHER mass shooting (here in the States) this past week, it's the high school students that are rising up!  They are angry, disappointed, frustrated and afraid, and they are letting their voices be heard!  Is anyone listening?!  Our once outraged reactions have dwindled to less outrage and more "this is the norm" which sadly shouldn't be the case.  It's where we are in American culture because we have leaders that have no courage.  No courage, no moral compass, no real responsibility for the constituents they serve and are more concerned about money.  Money for themselves to secure their level of power.  Money over people.  That's what America has come to....horribly sad and tragic.  

We keep hoping things will change, but if the mass murder of purely innocent children at Sandy Hook wouldn't change the heartless in Congress then I don't know what will.  We need change and maybe these kids that are standing up and telling us enough is enough will cause change.  I can only hope and pray it does!

These high school students that are rising up through anger, sadness, fear and frustration will be those voting in the upcoming elections.  I have a feeling they will let their voices be heard by exercising their right to vote.  To vote for those that ARE BRAVE enough to stand up to lobbyists and vote for what is right and just for all!  To vote for those that HAVE COURAGE to protect our children from violence in schools and in their homes.  To vote for those that are representing ALL Americans no matter their party affiliation, sex, religion, gender, etc.  We NEED leaders that will stand and rise up for ALL OF US!!

Speak your truth, kids!  Show our leaders what true courage looks like!  Rise up!!!

Blessings to all those that stand up for others no matter their labels, no matter the cost and no matter the outcome!  Lets all rise up and be better...for each other!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day...Yesterday

I hope you had a good Valentine's Day...yesterday!  Yes, I got caught up in all the "heart holiday" festivities and forgot to post yesterday.  Sorry about that.  But, I hope you had a heart-filled day full of fun treats and surprises from loved ones!

I had a good day and enjoyed some shopping with my mom (on a warm winter day in the 70's) and our favorite drinks, chai tea lattes!  I could guzzle one or more of those up every day if the coffee shop that makes them was closer to, it's probably a good thing it's not close!  Yummo!  Then we had dinner with most of the family at the best pizza place in town! So, so good!!  And, earlier in the day I went to visit my childhood BFF and take her a little treat.  It was fun to reminisce about how we met and the different things we both remembered from back then.  I'm grateful for a good day!

Whether you were surrounded by loved-ones or not yesterday, I hope you don't forget to tell them how much they mean to you.  If you haven't told them in awhile, do it soon because we never know when or if we'll ever get the chance to do it again.  Wishing you all blessings of love and appreciation!  Cheers!! 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Olympic Fever?

Do you have Olympic fever yet?  Have you been cheering your country's athletes on as the games have just begun?  Did you like the Opening Ceremonies?  Are you glad you're watching the competition from a warm location versus actually sitting outside for some of the events where it's literally freezing or below freezing?  I am!

But, I must say the I haven't caught the Olympic fever yet?  Maybe it's because I've been trying to avoid all the germs out there causing one of the worst flu outbreaks (in the U.S.) or even the common cold so far this year.  I just haven't caught the excitement of the thrilling competition that tends to unfold at Olympic games.  Maybe it's because I'm not attached to any of the athletes or they're just not as well known to me as in the past.  Usually there's at least one figure skater I'm excited to watch, but I'm a little ho-hum this year.  I'll watch here and there and I've got the Opening Ceremonies recorded so I'm sure I'll watch that at some point, too.  Those are always fun to watch.  But, overall until something amazing happens I'm a little uninterested, sadly.  I do love that we all come together to cheer for our country's athlete's during the Olympics and I wish that were the case more often...especially these days with the social and political climate we're currently facing.  

Either way, if you're totally gun-ho with the Olympics right now or you're just warming up to them, I hope we all remember the immense pride we feel when we watch our athletes compete, fall, get back up and try again.  Blessings to all those competing in the winter Olympics!  And, blessings to you this coming week!  

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Winter Olympics

The winter Olympics start this week in South homeland.  It would be amazing to be there for all the sporting events, but alas I'll be watching from home as usual.  Besides, I've heard it's pretty cold there...obviously!  Plus, there probably aren't as many sports I'm really a fan of watching in the winter Olympics versus the summer Olympics, so watching on TV will suffice.  

However, I was thinking that it would be a lot easier to visit and travel around during the Olympics because they're expecting so many tourists there from so many countries, so there might be more guides/signs/hosts that speak English.  They would be expecting the confused faces and might be more eager to help versus when I first visited Seoul, South Korea.  It was in October and I was traveling there for work.  I went a couple days early so that I could explore and get a better feel for my homeland, but I was truly a tourist in the city.  And, if you've traveled to any foreign city where they don't speak the language and most of the signs aren't written in English it's definitely a "foreign" feeling of being lost, but trying not to look lost so that you don't tip people off you are a tourist.  I was always very conscientious of not drawing any attention to myself, being courteous and cautious, and not doing anything that would offend anyone or their culture....especially being in the country you were born in.  But, not understanding the language is always the hardest thing about international travel no matter where you go.  But, after being in an international city for awhile I could pick up on people's tone or inflections and get a sense for what they were saying.  Many times I would guess right and throw off my hosts who thought I actually knew what they were saying.  I write more about this in my book, "Corn-fed with Rice on the Side."

I think the Olympics always bring a sense of pride for your country no matter where you live.  It's a fun time to cheer on the athletes, watch amazing competition and to learn more about a country and culture.  So, I'll definitely be watching!

Blessings to you in whatever competition you may be involved in or if you'll simply be rooting on your country in the Olympics!  Cheers!!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super Bowl Sunday

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  I'm wondering how many people around the world watch the Super Bowl?  And, I'm wondering if they see the same commercials we see?  It's definitely more than just a game.  It's a fun-filled viewing bonanza for sports enthusiasts, ad lovers (basically the Super Bowl of commercials), half-time entertainment gawkers and foodies who love snacking during all the festivities!

I'm not really a fan of either team, so I really don't care who wins this year.  So, I guess I fall into the "I'm watching for the commercials and half-time entertainment" group this year.  And, if I can stay up long enough I'm totally in it for the newest "This is Us" episode that will follow the Super Bowl.  Get ready for tragedy, heartbreak and sadness...and I'm not talking about the game!

Enjoy watching the game and lets hope we get some creative, funny entertainment throughout the game!  Blessings to you on this first full week of February!!