Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Too Sensitive?

Has social media made us "too sensitive?"  Before social media consumed our lives, we either had to call someone directly, email them or have a face-to-face conversation with them to relay our message to them.  In those instances, except for email, you would get more non-verbal clues or references that would help clarify any confusion or tone of conversation.  Now with social media so rampant in our lives, we just throw out tidbits of ideas/thoughts/complaints/critics that pop into our mind at any time of day.  Is that a good thing?  Is that a bad thing?

If it's directed specifically at us does it sting more or cause you to be even more defensive than you would if it weren't SO public for ALL to see?  Has all the criticism (which is a majority of what is out there on social media) caused us to be too sensitive to anything that is posted?  Has it caused us all to be more cynical than we were before?  

I think the "political correctness" that has infiltrated every ounce of our daily lives...from conversations that we have to emails, and work situations, and TV/magazines/music/entertainment in general, and social media have caused us all to be even more over-sensitive to EVERYTHING!  It's not just politics's every single little thing in our lives.  It's quite maddening and sad....but, it's now the world we live in.  How did we get here?  Is advancement in technology to blame?  Is it our own attempts to be more inclusive of everyone that has turned us into a more divisive and non-inclusive society?

How can we shift the balance, the mind-set, the paradigm to a more respectful, compassionate, understanding and tolerant world?  How do we move the needle to more humanity and peace in the world?  We all have a part to our own homes, communities and in our own, do what you can and hopefully together we can make a difference that matters!

Blessings to you in your attempts to make our world a little better!!

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