Yesterday, my parents and my two youngest nephews attended the Holt Picnic and Fair for adoptees (young and old), as well as, prospective adopting parents. It was a hot day, but the rain held off and all the kids had a lot of fun! There were several games for them to play, arts & crafts, hair braiding, henna tattoos, face painting, an art sale and I sold a few books, too! There were some familiar faces there that we had seen at previous picnics, which is always nice...but, there were several new families and faces we had never met before and that's even better! It's nice to connect with new families and get their perspectives, as well as, share my story with them.
And now, my parents are becoming even more familiar faces with those attending each year. A gentlemen came up to me late in the day and called my dad by name asking if he was my dad. He had met my dad last year and had a fairly profound conversation that this gentlemen recalled quite vividly. It was nice to hear and we had a lengthy conversation. He had a lot of questions and wanted to get my insight. I shared my story, my experience and my advice with him. His wife had purchased a book from me earlier in the day, so it was nice to hear more about their story.
And wouldn't you know it...we met someone there that was from Iowa! It almost never fails, but it's always fun to hear about common places and experiences growing up there. And of course, my dad loves it!
We all have a story to tell and whether you share it publicly or with just a small group of people, if you share your story, your soul, your truth then you're giving something back to the world. You're hoping to make it a better place for someone else. You're sharing your wisdom...good and bad...and sharing the journey that made you the person you are today.
Share your story! Even if it's just with one other person, but find someone new to share your story to. You never know what kind of affect it might have on their life.
Blessings to you this week! Stay cool out there as it starts to heat up!!
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