Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Just Breath....

June is almost over and we're a third of the way through summer already!  Well, maybe not if you count that we just had the first day of summer the other day...but, I consider summer to start June 1...especially since it always gets so hot in Texas so early!  

It's been an emotional couple of weeks for numerous reasons, so I'm reminded that I get to start anew each day I take that first breath of the morning.  Good morning!  Each day we get to do that is a gift!  So, when things get rough, frustrating, hard, sad, impossible (in our minds) we must remember to just breath.  Breath.

It's as simple as that, yet hard to remember sometimes.  Sometimes there's an emotional lump setting right at the top of your throat.  Sometimes there are words to say or that will come out to let you breath.  Sometimes it's too hard to think about.

But, come back to some grounding...something that brings to back to peace.  Meditation helps, yoga helps, breathing helps!

Take time to breath throughout your busy days and remember this day is a gift!!  Blessings to you as you breath in and out, in and out today!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Different Mediums

If you've been following my blog and my journey over the past few months or years even you know my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side, is about my experiences growing up as a Korean adoptee from a very light-hearted perspective.  I just read about a Korean adoptee that created a web series called "American Seoul" where he shares stories about his life as Korean adoptee.  So, very similar in concept and intention for sharing our stories...just different mediums.  

That's the great thing about technology now...there are so many different ways to share your story or get your content out to the public.  It's a way to connect, to offer support and show how similar we are.  And, it's also a way to educate others!

We ALL have a story to share.  You don't have to share yours publicly to make a difference in someone's life.  The way you interact with people on a daily basis, the way you carry yourself, the way to care for others, the way you volunteer to help others are all ways we all make a difference in the world.

After the senseless shootings in Charleston this week, I hope we can all shift our perspectives a bit to see that we're ALL the same no matter our outward appearances and that we need to start celebrating each others differences rather than tearing each other down because of those differences.  Those differences make us ALL unique and special and that's EXACTLY who we were ALL MEANT TO BE!!!

Blessings to you this week for your health, safety and peace!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Delving Deeper....

Per my last post, we (my parents, 2 nephews and I) attended my adoption agency's annual picnic in my area over the weekend and one gentlemen I met introduced me to a Korean adoptee Facebook group.  He encouraged me to join so I did the other day.

I've never been involved really in a Korean online community before so it was very interesting to read many of the posts from other adoptees.  Yes, it's comforting, educational, funny, etc.  But, one of the most interesting things posted by numerous individuals was about getting their DNA tested to find out their cultural make-up.  I've heard about this before on the T.V. show, Who Do You Think You Are, which takes celebrities and traces their family history.  In one episode with our Dallas Cowboys' legend, Emmitt Smith, he swabbed his check to get his DNA to find out where in Africa his ancestors were from.  It was fascinating.  And of course, I thought to myself right away that I would be interested in doing that someday.

So, after joining this new Facebook group and a majority of the posts are about individuals receiving the DNA kits and then posting what their results were is so interesting to me.  It's taking the next step and delving deeper into what our make-up truly is...through science...getting some solid, concrete answers to perhaps a lingering question or to a question that would help add a piece to the puzzle.  It doesn't tell us who we are...only we can own and find that out through our life journeys, but it does give us a base, a foundation, a beginning, or a starting place.

I think family trees and learning about where we come from and how we got here is so fascinating, so if this is part of the process for me then I'm ready for it.  Or at least I think I am!  But, at least the opportunity is there and I'm grateful for that.

So, as this potentially becomes a reality for me in learning more of my genetic make-up I'll definitely share it with you in hopes that it helps calm some of your fears or gives you the courage to take the step yourself.  We're all connected and I'm grateful to be able to share my journey with you as you continue to support me along the way.  Thank you!

Blessings to you this week!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Adoptee Picnic and Fair

Yesterday, my parents and my two youngest nephews attended the Holt Picnic and Fair for adoptees (young and old), as well as, prospective adopting parents.  It was a hot day, but the rain held off and all the kids had a lot of fun!  There were several games for them to play, arts & crafts, hair braiding, henna tattoos, face painting, an art sale and I sold a few books, too!  There were some familiar faces there that we had seen at previous picnics, which is always nice...but, there were several new families and faces we had never met before and that's even better!  It's nice to connect with new families and get their perspectives, as well as, share my story with them.

And now, my parents are becoming even more familiar faces with those attending each year.  A gentlemen came up to me late in the day and called my dad by name asking if he was my dad.  He had met my dad last year and had a fairly profound conversation that this gentlemen recalled quite vividly.  It was nice to hear and we had a lengthy conversation.  He had a lot of questions and wanted to get my insight.  I shared my story, my experience and my advice with him.  His wife had purchased a book from me earlier in the day, so it was nice to hear more about their story.  

And wouldn't you know it...we met someone there that was from Iowa!  It almost never fails, but it's always fun to hear about common places and experiences growing up there.  And of course, my dad loves it!

We all have a story to tell and whether you share it publicly or with just a small group of people, if you share your story, your soul, your truth then you're giving something back to the world.  You're hoping to make it a better place for someone else.  You're sharing your wisdom...good and bad...and sharing the journey that made you the person you are today.  

Share your story!  Even if it's just with one other person, but find someone new to share your story to.  You never know what kind of affect it might have on their life.

Blessings to you this week!  Stay cool out there as it starts to heat up!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Just a Reminder...

Just a reminder that if you live in the DFW area, please join us this Saturday, June 13 from 11-2 pm for a fun-filled day of games, entertainment, arts & crafts, face painters and much, much more!!!

Come enjoy fellowship and fun with other local adoptees!

Blessings to you this week!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Finding Grace

Have you found grace in your life?  More than once, I'm sure...because life is messy!  Life if full of goodness and blessings, but it's also full of heartache, despair, tragedy and accidents.  But, through God's grace we all can be redeemed.  God's grace is a beautiful thing.

Today I'm searching for God's grace.  My heart is full of anguish and hurt, but I know God's grace will lift me up, dry my eyes and restore my vision towards hope and promise.  In my book, I wrote about the times growing up that I got angry or upset about something primarily related to my family....upset with my mom, angry with one of my siblings, or just hormones kicking in as a moody teenager...and how I never used the crutch of being adopted as an excuse for whatever bad mood/situation I was in.  That was never my go-to response.  But, as I've gotten older and situations more complicated I find myself leaning on that crutch more than I ever have before.  Why?  I'm not sure...maybe I'm more aware of the true root of my anger or maybe I'm hurt more by whatever situation is occurring or maybe it just feels like the easy excuse to use instead of really looking inward and addressing my own personal issues.  It could be any one of those things or a combination, but it's definitely not pleasant.  However, I heard today on an Oprah Super Soul Sunday episode that I had recorded, "Feel the pain, work through the pain, let it settle, but don't dwell there."  Go through it, because that's part of life...but don't dwell there, don't let it stew in your soul, don't let it consume you, don't let it eat up your insides.  So, I'm definitely feeling and living through the pain today and hopefully tomorrow's gift of a new day will bring the grace I need right now.

Part of the message of my book is that even though I'm adopted, we all go through the same things in life.  We all experience the high and lows of life...yes, perhaps in different ways/degrees...but we all experience similar things throughout our lives.  It's our perceptions and experiences up until that moment that define and reflect how we react to those experiences that make us all different and unique.  Our built up experiences and perceptions of life that brought us to that moment hopefully help us manage the difficult days.  Hopefully they help us grow, reflect and improve upon the person we were the day before.

God's hope, his grace, his redemption and glory are always there for us!  We just need to believe it, feel it, live through it and be redeemed by it!  May God's blessings fill you with hope and joy in this coming week!  May you find all God's grace you need today and everyday!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Come Join Us!

For those in the North Texas area, please come join us for a family, fun-filled celebration at our annual picnic!  This year it is on June 13 from 11-2 pm CST in Bedford, TX.  There will be many kid-friendly activities, including lawn games, arts & crafts, etc. so come meet other local adoptees and their families!  Remember to bring a picnic lunch for you and your family!  Here are more details: