Sunday, April 28, 2019

Really? Aren't You A Professional?

Late last week, I contacted an old co-worker about connecting me with someone in his company about a current job opening.  I had worked with this person a few years ago and really only worked with or saw him about once a year at a major tradeshow.  At the event he would always flirt with me and ask me to hang out with some of the guys after hours.  I always declined.  Something never quite sat right with me, although he seemed like a nice guy.

Well, it became crystal clear in the first words of his response back to me..."Hey, white rice!"  Yes, he said that...wrote that.  Really?!!!  Are you kidding me?  Aren't you supposed to be a professional?  What makes you think that's OK or even remotely OK to say to an ex-colleague?  Perhaps to a close friend who knows you better, but there's nothing in our previous interactions that would make you think that was OK to say to me.  So, yes I was offended.  Am I surprised?  No, it's part of the stereotype that we all grow up with and face throughout our lives.  It's just sad when it does...especially as professional adults.

Do I linger on it or let it bother me?  No, because I choose to be a bigger, more understanding, more compassionate person who tries to focus on the things and people that are most important.  Don't let the little things or little people weigh you down!  Stay positive, true to yourself and always respectful of other people who are different than you...which is every one!!!

Blessings to you these final few days of April.  May all the April rain bring a bounty of beautiful May flowers!  Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday

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Happy Palm Sunday! As we enter the holy week leading up to Easter Sunday (for Christians around the world), I wish you peace, resurrection and renewal for a blessed life serving God through your thoughts, words and actions. Wishing you God's abundant blessings this holy week!!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Renewed Hope

It's the season of Lent.  He has risen!  It's Eastertime!  It's springtime!  The season of regrowth, renewal, resurrection and rebirth.  Are you feeling the season?  Is it your favorite time of year?  Are you just now thawing out from the frozen winter months?  Are your flowers blooming, trees budding, and lawns turning greener?  Yes, it's that time of year!

This past week I got a renewed sense of hope...of anticipation...of excitement for the future!  It's been awhile since I've had this spark lit and also persist.  Sometimes something can light us up for a moment and then it fades or burns out quickly.  Like, going into a new year hoping for change or achieving your resolutions only to find them fade away in week two!  Yes, we've all been there.  But, this time the spark is urging me on, still burning in my belly, still giving me HOPE!  Yes, I'm hoping it lasts and yes I'm hoping it propels me forward into God's next steps in my journey.  So, I'm holding onto it (not suffocating it), appreciating it, and believing in move ahead with God's grace and mercy.

Yes, it's the time of year again...when He shows us the beauty of renewal.  In the environment all around us and in the remembrance of His save us from our sins.  God is good.

May blessings spark a renewal in you this week during this season of Lent!!