Sunday, October 28, 2018

Love Always Wins

What is going on in the world?!  That's a long and loaded question, but an all too common one these days.  Too much hate.  Too much acceptance of hate.  Too much division.  Too much promotion of division.  Too much lack of compassion, empathy and understanding!  It's just too much some days.

How do we get through it?  How do we move forward?  How do we feel safe in our own neighborhoods?  The world can be a scary place sometimes, but we need to stay focused on the good.  We need to remain hopeful and engaged.  We need to lift one another up and we need to see each other as human beings first...not all the labels and boxes we've all put one another in.  We need to stand up and let our voices be heard!  We need to VOTE for those that represent our values and ideals in the current midterm elections.  I voted early and am encouraged by the large turnouts around the country for early voting.  People are engaged and are standing up to let their voices be heard!  Don't let others speak for you...VOTE!  Get out there, educate yourself on the candidates and VOTE!  VOTE!  VOTE!

We can't let the hateful actions of this past week (in the States) dictate a fearful future.  Rise above the fear, love your neighbor as yourself and lets show that love always wins!!

Stand up, speak up and VOTE!!  May blessings of hope comfort you in the week ahead!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

My First Solo Session...

For the past 2 days, my mom and I attended a local adoption conference.  It's the first adoption conference I've attended where I sponsored a table to sell my book and also spoke during one of the sessions.  It was my first solo speaking gig (and hopefully it wasn't too obvious for those that attended and are reading my blog for the first time), so of course a was a bit nervous beforehand.  But, I think it went well.  I wasn't nervous once I started speaking, but I wanted to make sure I got in everything I wanted to share.  So, I'm hoping the flow wasn't too off.  I received good feedback afterwards, so I'm hoping it helped answer some questions someone might have been having, or gave someone a different perspective on things, or gave someone an "aha" moment where something clicked, or even simply provided comfort to someone who saw themselves in my story.

It was a joy for my mom and I to meet so many wonderful people sharing their adoption stories with us.  We love hearing other's stories because as I've said before they are all different, special and unique in their own ways.  So, it's nice to share with one another and gain insight and understanding from one another.  

This was the first conference my mom has ever attended and she loved it!  She has that warm, friendly and approachable personality that she'll talk to anyone!  So, it helps when trying to draw people over to your table.  She loves to talk so much I had to tell her to dial it back a bit a couple times.  People have to get to the next session, I told her.  She's not a morning person and she got up really early to make it over to my house so we could get over to the conference to set up each morning.  So, I really appreciate all her support, help and waking up early each morning!  I couldn't have done it without her! 

Adoption can be difficult, hard, and messy at times, but it can also be so rewarding in so many ways for families.  The more parents can seek tools, resources, insights and different perspectives from people the better informed they can be, but parenthood doesn't have an exact road matter if you have adopted children or not.  It's a process.  It's a journey.  To try and figure it out and I hope you remind yourself in those trying times that you're doing your best...and that's enough.  

I hope that in some small way, my story, my book can help shine a more positive light on the process and journey for you and your families.  I want you to find the humor in everyday situations or the silver lining in tough times.  Through laughter and love you'll get through all will!  

So, if you missed out on purchasing my book at the conference or have been following my blog for awhile now and haven't purchased my book, now is the perfect time!  It's a great gift as the holidays approach, for your book club, mom's groups, or church groups.  Just go to  You can purchase the book there or link to Amazon for the ebook.  Enjoy!

May blessings fill your week ahead with hope, inspiration and the courage to step out of fear and try something new!  

Sunday, October 14, 2018

First Speaking Gig

Next Saturday I'll be speaking at the Tapestry Conference.  It's my first solo speaking gig, so I'm excited, nervous and a little bit anxious.  But, I'm sure it will go well!  The conference brings together experienced parents and professionals to teach on a wide range of topics that help support and equip local churches and families with the tools and resources to bring hope and healing to adoptive and foster parents, children and their families.

I'll be there selling my book, Corn-fed with Rice on the Side.  So, if you are local come out and get a signed copy of my book!  This is my first official adoption conference to attend, as well, so wish me luck!!

Prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Michael.  May blessings of hope and resilience lift you up this week! 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Making Memories...

For the past couple of years, instead of giving my oldest nephew a material gift I've been giving him the gift of spending time with his favorite aunt!  I want to give him new experiences, new memories that he'll remember vs. just another Lego set or video game.  So, I'll take him out for a day or even let him spend the night.  I think those seeds of fond memories have been planted and I hope he looks back one day and smiles.

Today was his day with me and since my mom went to church with me this morning she came along, too.  We spend the afternoon laughing, answering trivia, trying to remember all the state capitals and more and more belly laughing.  I hope he remembers all the belly laughing today.  These are the kinds of memories I hope he takes with him...and passes them on, too.

This morning when my mom arrived I reminded her that 9 years ago yesterday my dad's mom had passed away.  It doesn't seem like 9 years have passed, but we reminisced about her and all my other grandparents that have passed.  They are all gone.  But, I remember them often and fondly.  So, I hope times like today...times that my nephew gets to spend with his Grandma are remembered with laughter, love and lots of smiles.  It's how we keep those that have passed with us and how we share their love and legacy with the next generation.  It's the passage of time, the legacy of lives past, and the love we hold for one another that links generation to generation.

May blessings of love and laughter fill your week ahead!!