Sunday, April 30, 2017

Hamster Wheel

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do or how hard you try you're just running in place?  You've "wasted" all this time, seemingly worked hard for something and you're literally in the exact same place!  Ugh!  I definitely feel like that...more than I should!  I'm stuck.  Or am I?  

Last year was really rough for me...all the way, I'm glad it's in the past and I know there's a reason I went through it.  And yes, I can say I'm a different person than I was last year, I know more about strengths and all my weaknesses...and I know I can survive and persevere.  It may not be fun or easy, but that's how we we become unstuck!

Even though in some aspects of my life I feel like I'm in the same place I know I'm not.  I know I have a better perspective over my life and what I want.  Now it's just about showing up every day, living life to the fullest...because life is TOO short...and making things happen!  Change is long as it pushes you towards your greatness!  And I know I have greatness in me!  We ALL do!  We just have to be comfortable embracing that fact and go for it!  Go for it all!!  The best lesson to learn early in life is accepting change and being able to adapt to it without stressing over it.  Change happens every day and will happen continuously throughout our lives, so the sooner we accept it's going to happen and appreciate it vs. feeling discouraged by it the better our lives will be overall.

So, how do I get unstuck?!  Keep moving forward.  Keep trying.  Never give up.  Keep learning.  Keep God by your side, always!  I'm going to keep going and be faithful in the routine of each new day.  And, I'm going to be grateful for trying to do better each and every day!!

Wishing you many blessings in this first week of May and that you become unstuck in whatever is holding you back in your life!!

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