Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Hallows Eve is almost upon us.  Unfortunately it's supposed to rain here in Texas on Friday and Saturday for most of the day, but they say it will stop raining by the time Trick or Treaters greet our doorsteps!  

I've never been a huge fan of Halloween.  I'm sure I liked it when I was younger...although those plastic masks with the holes in the eyes and mouth weren't the greatest...costumes have definitely evolved since then.  I'm just not into scary movies, silly costumes or any of the other hoopla that comes with Halloween.  It just doesn't 'float my boat' as far as the major holidays go.

But, it is fun to see my nephews and nieces dressed up in cute costumes.  They enjoy it!  And, that's really all that matters.  What's your least favorite holiday?

No matter, I hope you all have a fun, safe, and scary Halloween wherever you are!  Enjoy all the candy and trick or treaters!!  And, have a blessed holiday!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Already Found Out...

As you know (if you've been following my most recent posts), I submitted a DNA test several weeks ago...after it had been sitting on my kitchen counter for, I've just been waiting for the results for the past few weeks.  Then I find out last night from my oldest nephew that he did a DNA test at school and already has his results!  Come on.  Really?  A 10 year-old beat me?!

He was pretty intrigued by it all though and shared his results.  He talked about the other side of his family's ancestry and we shared with him our side of the ancestry we knew about.  It was nice to see him interested in the topic and where his ancestors came from.  Perhaps he'll dig further into it one day and find some interesting characters.  There's always one or two in the bunch, right?  Black sheep?  Hero?  

That's why I love that show "So Who Do You Think You Are" that looks into the ancestry of famous people.  It's quite fascinating and really makes you want to look into your own family history.  Check it out sometime!

Have you or anyone in your family looked into your ancestors?  Have you found anything juicy?  It's a fun and interesting puzzle to try and put together!  We should all want to know more about our past, our histories, our inherited traits and where that all comes from.  You never know, there may already be a family tree out there that someone has already started on  Check it out!  Why not?!

So, as I continue to wait for my results a new week is ahead.  May you have many blessings this week and enjoy the final full week of October!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Winds of Change....

You've probably heard this before, "the winds of change are coming", right?  Well, it's definitely true for me right now.  Sometimes you can feel things leading up to the change, so you feel it coming.  Sometimes it slaps you upside the head with no notice at all.  Sometimes it's subtle and changes come gradually.  However the winds come...strong or breezy...they still come.

Life takes twists and turns all the time.  Well, sometimes it feels like it's been forever since anything has changed and then, bam!  Change is on your doorstep!  Change is something we all have to adjust to throughout our lives.  Something we have to learn to accept as it comes...and comes...and comes.  That's a given, change will always occur in one's life, so you better get used to it.  The more you can be open to and accepting of change the easier it will be...on your heart and your head!

This change was definitely unexpected, but I had asked for it.  I had been praying to God for this very thing and he made it happen...just in a very unexpected way.  I completely didn't see it coming!  But, He answered my prayers...literally, truthfully.  So, all I can say is "God you have a great sense of humor!"  So, I'm totally open to this change and I have no fear or worries about it.  All is well with my soul!  It truly, truly is.

Change can bring about many emotions depending on what the change is forcing you to do...grow, move on, confront an issue, be better, do better, etc.  It's how we react to it and what we do with it that matters most.  And, this might be the first time in a long time that I'm completely at peace with this change.  It doesn't always happen when change comes, but as I said earlier the more you can be open to and accept change the better off you will be.  So, I feel hopeful and am excited about the future!  I know God has it all worked out and I have faith in his journey for me.

So, whatever change you may be dealing with right now have faith that it will make you better, make you stronger in your relationships, and it's the right time for it.  Stay strong!  Many blessings for your journey of change!!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Waiting on Results...

So, I'm still waiting on my DNA test results that I finally submitted several weeks ago.  As mentioned in one of my previous posts, I had not really thought too much about the test/the results prior to actually submitting the test.  But, now that I have submitted it I've wondered a bit more and more each day as I wait for the results.

Will it define who I am?  No.  But, it will tell me more about where I came from and where my ancestors came from...even if I never take that next step to look for and find my relatives.  That's another journey in and of itself (as many of you already know and have gone through that journey yourselves).  As I've also mentioned in my book, we (adoptees) all have our own timing when our curiosity drives us to find some of those lingering answers about our past.  I'm not sure that those that questions drove me to take the DNA test...for me, it was more that the opportunity presented itself and I chose to take it.  Some jumped on that decision right away for their own reasons.  We all have similar questions and answers that we'd like answered, but we also have our own time in which we take action to find those answers.

So, if you are the adopee, take as much time as you need, trust yourself and seek out the questions you are only ready to get the answers to.  One step at a rush.  If you are the adoptive parent, just be there to support your child in whatever decisions they make and in whatever timeframe they feel is right.  And if you are a friend/spouse/sibling/etc, be understanding and patient in your support, as well as, encouraging and supportive.  We all have an incredible life journey we embark on each day we wake up and being there for one another to enjoy, support and love one another in that process is what it's all about.  

So, whatever questions you are asking now, whatever actions you have taken to answer them and/or whatever place you are in right now it's all OK.  It's right where you were supposed to be.  So, embrace the journey and find joy in your day.

Many blessings to you this week and in your search for answers...whenever they come.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


I couldn't get to the site yesterday, so sorry for the late post.  It was a nerve-wracking afternoon...why, you ask?  Our Texas Rangers were playing game 5 of the ALDS.  I know it's not the most important thing in the world, but for them to even be in the playoffs this year was truly a gritty effort all throughout the season.  So, to watch a winner take all game it was intense from the start!  It ended up being a very crazy and in the end very disappointing loss for that will take a little while to get over.

I've realized watching this ALDS series (best of 5) that I don't enjoy watching my team play.  Why?  Because I'm a nervous wreck!  I can't enjoy it.  I'm anxious, nervous and it's gut-wrenching when it all goes bad, especially in such high stakes situations.  So, it's probably good news for we're out of the playoffs now.  But, it was a fun ride!  You just never know what is going to happen from game to game.

That's the same with life, as well.  Who knows what the day will bring as we wake up each morning.  We might have it all planned out and at the end of the day none of that planning worked out the way you thought or hoped it would.  That's life and it's how well you can adapt, be flexible and not get too caught up in things that will determine if you're satisfied and/or content with each day as you lay your head down each night.  Life can be unpredictable as we all know and no matter what, it comes down to what we believe, how we control our emotions and how we react to any given situation that will determine our course in any given day.  

So, as my heart rate goes back to normal today I'm blessed and ready for whatever today brings my way!  The sun is shining, I have my health and I really have nothing to complain about.  So, take a new view, a new perspective and try to see life in a new light.  It will give you a greater view of the world, your situation and hopefully help you grow.

Have a truly blessed day and enjoy your view!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

President's Cup

The PGA's President's Cup is being played in South Korea this weekend!  I had no idea it was being played there until I just turned on the broadcast of the event.  They said the normal temperatures this time of year are around the 70's, but they are currently playing in 50 degree weather!  That's a bit frigid for golf players and their normal summertime temps.  No wonder they're all bundled up...which is a little strange to see on a golf course.

No matter, the President's Cup and the Ryder Cup are always nail biting games on the last day since it's single person against another.  One country against the world.  And, it usually comes down to the last few matches which is always exciting.  It's fun to watch these normally single competitors root for and back their fellow countrymen, especially in those final matches.  Camaraderie with your fellow countrymen is fun to watch...who is friends with who, who is the loudest cheerleader for their team, and who ends up coming out victorious?  It's fun to watch!

So, no matter what side of the world you live on or who you are rooting for, enjoy the competition, the great shots and the near misses!  Who can handle the pressure and who can execute when the win is on the line?!  Stay tuned!  Although, since it was played in South Korea and the time difference, I actually already know the U.S. team won!  But, it's still fun to watch the teams battle it out!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a truly blessed week ahead!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Do You Have a Copy?

Do you have your very own copy of "Corn-fed with Rice on the Side" yet?  Why not?  What are you waiting for?  It's a very light-hearted and easy read.  So, don't wait any longer!  Get yours today!  Go to to purchase an autographed copy or get the ebook version.  You'll laugh a little, see yourself in some of the stories and enjoy learning about someone else's journey...whether similar or not to yours.  Go!  Get it!!

And blessings for the rest of your week...while reading my book!  ;-)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chaos and Calm

Yesterday I watched the most chaotic baseball game I think I've ever witnessed that took my emotions from highs to lows several times!  Losing, coming back, tied, going way up, losing in the last 3 outs....ughh...ahhh...what?!?!  I was anxious watching it, so of course had to munch on some goodies to calm my nerves.  SO disappointing that we ended up losing after being ahead 4 runs in the 9th.  But, I had a birthday party to go to....

It was onto my oldest nephew's birthday!  He turned 10 yesterday and the whole family was there to help him celebrate!  With two 7 year olds, a 10 year old, a 2 year old and a 23 month year old it was loud...and louder!  Chaotic at times!  Kids yelling, laughing, dancing, running around...chaotic!  But, we wouldn't have it any other way!

So, where's the calm?  Well, today was a calm day and and I even stayed calm while my baseball team played their last game of the regular season...because I didn't watch it!  But, my dad kept me up to date calling in with regular updates while mom and I really did do some relaxing at the reflexology place.  Sooo much better!  And see, my team won and clinched their division!  In my happy zen place....

There's always calm after the storm (they say) and it's true.  Even though I was completely disappointed and shocked we lost, all was well in the it normally turns out.  So, I hope whatever the week ahead brings for you that no matter what chaos ensues,  you're comforted in the fact that the calm will soon follow.  So, take heart, gut it out if you have to and find your calm in the craziness!  Blessings for a CALM week!!