Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Grey Skies...

I think the gloomy grey skies are starting to put a damper on my mood.  We had rain, storms, tornadoes, etc all last week and we're supposed to have rain again all this week.  The sun did make a brief appearance on Monday, but all this gloomy weather isn't putting me in a good mood.  It's making me tired, sad and blah.  I'm ready to see the light...and sunshine!!

How does the weather affect your mood?  How does your outlook change when it's been a long, cold, snowy winter?  Or when it's rained for over 50% of the month?  Or when the sun has been scorching all summer long with no relief in site?  In those extreme times, I think back to the early settlers and wonder how they did running water or electricity, no heat except for fires built and perhaps no solid shelter to protect you from the elements.  It must have been miserable!  But then again, they didn't know what they were missing out on and it was just normal for them...make the best of it and move on.  

So, that's what I'll try to through all the gloominess and find my way back to the light.  And, hopefully by then the sun will be shining again!  I know goodness is right in front of me and I'm always grateful for all my health, solid shelter, good transportation, etc., etc.  And I know things could always be so much worse.  So, I definitely count my blessings every, I just want this gloomy funk of mine to blow away!

I hope you have a much brighter outlook on the week ahead and may blessings carry you to a relaxing weekend!

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