Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My 1st Book Signing Booked!

Wow!  My first book signing is scheduled and again the ironies of my life my 1st book signing will be back in my hometown in IA!  It's almost too good to be true!  And, I'm fully aware of God's presence through this process and how blessed I am!  God has perfect timing!  Hard to understand and believe sometimes, but in moments like these I HAVE to believe!

My cousin is getting married next month, so what better time to showcase my debut book to all my friends and family!  They all want copies, of course, so this cuts down on my shipping costs...ha!  No, seriously....I'm humbled and honored to be able to go back to my hometown to present my book to all those that loved, supported and encouraged me as a newly adopted child in a new country, a new state, a new environment.  And their love, support and encouragement has continued throughout my life.  What better way to repay all of them then to give them the first opportunity to buy my book.  I can't wait to see their faces, their expressions when they see the book!  I'm definitely anticipating that moment!  The book cover has special meaning to me and to my family, so I'm anxious for them to see it!  I don't want to spoil it now, but will explain more after my 1st book signing.  (Just a little teaser to stay tuned!) 

I not only dedicate this book to my parents and family, but to that town in particular!  They had a lot to do with who I've become and how I see the world.  They had complete acceptance of me as a child...the first internationally adopted child in the area.  How is that possible?  Small town USA.  I talk about being accepted and how that shaped my life more in the book.  But, the importance can't be understated....acceptance, no matter who you are is a huge thing in anyone's life!  We all want to be accepted.  And, as a new school year begins and kids walk into new classrooms the top thing on their mind besides what to wear the first day of school is wanting and needing to be accepted by their peers.  It's rooted in us at a very young age and I was extremely lucky to have grown up in that community at that time.

So, for me to go back there for my 1st book signing is extremely meaningful to me!  To try and show my appreciation and gratitude to all those that have had a small...or big part in my life and just say this is what you nurtured all those years ago...this is what your love and support has created.  So, although scheduling my 1st book signing is a huge thing on it's own...this takes it to another level...the perfect place with the perfect people at the perfect time!  God is good!

But, it doesn't hurt to ask for your prayers that I'll actually get the books on time for the book signing!!!  No anxiety here.  ;-) 

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