Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Countdown to Christmas...

The countdown to Christmas Day is on!  There are only a few more days until the best day of the year is here!  Can you feel it?  Are you excited?  Or are you ready to get the holidays over with already?!  It can definitely be a frenetic time of year trying to get everything done, baked, cooked, wrapped and delivered.  So, take a deep breath and just get done what you can each day.  It will all be OK.

I got a nice surprise last night when I received my first book order from Australia!  So, thank you to those around the world that have found me either through this blog, my website or on Amazon!  And, thank you for following this blog on a regular basis.  I hope it's insightful, interesting and a little fun now and again.

Enjoy the next few days leading up to the big day and then just sit back and relax from all your hard work!  It will all be worth it after seeing the joyful and surprised faces from opening your thoughtful gifts, the comforted faces and bellies after all your delicious baking and cooking, and the big hugs you'll receive from grateful family and friends.

May blessings fill your days with a joyful Christmas spirit as we prepare for Jesus' birth!

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