Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trying Something New...

Tonight I got outside my comfort zone and tried something new!  The anxiety of not knowing what to expect was greatly lessened by my dear friend who joined me (and also stepped out of her comfort zone!  We did it together!  And, that's the best way to experience new things and grow!  It was also my Christmas gift from her!  :-)

We took a boxing class!  Yes, as-in full on wraps and boxing gloves hitting bags and learning combinations.  It was a fun new experience and a good work-out.  And, it's always refreshing after you've tried something new, survived it, and realized you can actually do it and you don't care what other people think of actually get a sense of accomplishment.  Or at least I did tonight.

So, I encourage you to step out of your "comfort zone" and try something new...something you've always wanted to do, but just haven't for whatever excuse you keep telling yourself.  Just try it out once.  Why not?  You really never know until you try it, right?!  So, what are you waiting for?!  Decide.  Plan it.  Make a commitment and just HAVE FUN!!  That's what life is all about!  Blessings for your Valentine's Day week!!

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