Sunday, September 18, 2016

Grateful Memory

A couple days ago I got a reminder on Facebook of the blog entry I posted after my 1st book signing.  So, I went back to that blog post and read the entire thing (as it's a little longer than my normal ones).  It was fun to remember that very meaningful weekend for me and brought up all the grateful feelings I had.  I'm truly thankful I was able to go back to my hometown for my 1st book signing and I was overwhelmed and humbled by the wonderful support I received...yes, of course from family, but from the rest of the town and complete strangers.  It was so great to see so many familiar faces and I wish we had more time to sit down and talk to everyone.  But, I'm so glad they took the time to stop by and buy my book.

It's another memory of that town and all those people that only adds to my romanticized picture in my head that I've carried with me since we moved away back in the mid-80's.  Sometimes you're not sure if the reality is what you've kept etched in your head, but once again this town and all those people proved that it was.  They proved their loving support and acceptance of me all those years ago still was true that day...and I assume today, too!  As I've written in my book, that made of world of difference in how I grew up and saw the world and how I viewed being adopted.  I was accepted by my friends, family and community and that is such a gift, especially for someone who is adopted, that I will forever be grateful for that.

So, if you missed one of my most fondest posts, here you go...

Enjoy!  And have a blessed week ahead!!

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