Sunday, August 18, 2019

Inspiration Stirring?

When I think about artists, true artists, whether that be painting, sculpting, molding, songwriters, singers, musicians, designers...anyone who creates something that speaks to us or captures a feeling or captures a moment; I envision them seeing the whole picture first.  I always thought if you're a "real" artist you could see/hear/feel the final product before you even began.  I think a lot of artists do, they can see it in their minds before they start; but I know some artists create as they songwriters.  It's whatever process works for the individual, and a majority of the time it's created from some sort of inspiration the artist receives.

Inspiration could come from anywhere or anyone.  Inspiration is different and unique to everyone...just as we are as individuals. My inspiration comes and goes like most of us I assume.  Of course, a pretty flower arrangement or even a single rose could give me a moment of inspiration, but to really create something I need sustained inspiration.  I need something to keep the spark alive, to keep the motor of excitement or intrigue moving, and I need it to sustain itself over a period of time.  Most of my inspiration is short-lived.  How about you?

I've never considered myself an artist mainly because I could never envision the whole thing.  I'm a half visionary...ha!  I can see and sometimes feel what I want to do...with a canvas, a room, a home...but, there's always a piece missing or an uncertainty about the whole thing.  When I was younger I would consider myself crafty.  I loved doing crafts although we didn't really call it that back then.  It was just fun making new things and doing new projects all the time.  Yes, I weaved pot holders, made shrinky dinks (remember those), of course made paper dolls and had an Easy Bake oven, loved using paint pens, made my own jewelry, and loved using paint pens to decorate t-shirts and sweatshirts.  Oh the glory!

But, my writing inspiration has waned since writing my first book.  I've tossed around ideas for the next book or even if I wanted there to be a next book.  I've kind of just let it float along the surface for the past several years until I found some real inspiration to try again.  Well, maybe all that time has finally bubbled up to this moment, new inspiration has finally hit me!  I won't go into details now, as it might only be momentary as previously mentioned, but at least there's a little spark there.  So yes, I've started writing again!  I don't know where it will lead or if anything will actually result from it, but it's always nice to find some inspiration again.  I think we all need that in our lives, something to push us forward, to look forward to, or to get us excited about what we can do.  So, I'm going to put my head down and just write for the next several weeks and we'll see what happens.  Hopefully the words will flow freely, eloquently and creatively!  Wish me luck!

May inspiration find you this week and bless you even if it's only for a moment!

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